Operational amplifiers, op-amps, are integral components in analog electronic circuits. They are designed to amplify voltage from a differen...Read More
Electronics engineering is a branch of engineering that focuses on designing, developing, and maintaining electronic devices and systems. Th...Read More
Q 1. What is the main function of a diode? A) Amplify signals B) Conduct current in one direction C) Store charge D) Filter signals Answer: ...Read More
Q 1. What component is typically used in active filters to achieve amplification? a) Inductor b) Capacitor c) Resistor d) Operational ampli...Read More
Q 1. What is the primary function of a filter in a circuit? a) To amplify signals b) To store energy c) To pass certain frequencies and blo...Read More
Q 1: What is the ideal open-loop voltage gain of an operational amplifier? A. Infinite B. Zero C. One D. Very high Answer: A. Infinite Q 2: ...Read More